When Does Helping Hurt?
There's nothing more exciting than seeing your child succeed. But when they fail, your words as a parent, coach or caregiver can have a lifelong effect. Our intention is to provide a voice for young athletes — to say what they can’t. And by reading the letters, we hope parents, coaches, and even young athletes use them as a catalyst for discussion to help start the conversation and #shutoutthestigma.

Not Good Enough
This documentary is an unflinching look at the challenges facing youth sports. Not Good Enough explores how the pressure of perfection can be detrimental to a youth athlete’s short and long-term mental health and also provides helpful solutions for change.
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Open Letter
Get the Conversation Going
Our words as parents, coaches, and caregivers – and the pressures children feel in sports – are proving to have lifelong mental health effects. We must collectively do better. Use the Conversation Guide as a check-in with your young athlete, and start the conversation on your social channels to #shutoutthestigma.
#ShutoutthestigmaGuide the Conversation
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